Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Double page spread article text

Ok you guys, ill start with questions everyone wants to know and then ill move onto some that our lovely readers have sent in for ya'
Firstly, how long has the band been going lads ?
- "Well i guess about 5 or 6 years-ish, agreed guys ?" (the rest of them nod and shake their heads in confusion)

Oh ok, so not that long really
- "well for us its been a pretty long journey considering, we first started up when we were about 15, but in terms of music industry years not that long at all, hahaha"

Ha yeah, who are your most influenced artists
- (jack) "Well the three that have influenced me personally would have to be Hendrix for a start, i used to love him and still do actually, erm, Guns and Roses and Pearl Jam also played a pretty big part in artist that influenced me."
- (Joel) "I used to have a massive love for Hendrix as well, id have to agree with jack on that one, other artists would have to be bands like Joy Division, you know ? The start of the indie pop culture"
- (Maxwell) "This is a tough one for me, I mean I like almost every type of music to be honest, I’d have to say the Beatles without a doubt made me want to take up the guitar, other artists like Gary Newman and The Stranglers have just influenced me in general really"

Looking back to when you guys first started, what one thing you would change about the band and why ?
- (Maxwell) "Looking back on it, i think we should have been progressive dubstep artists that use shitey synth noises to create music HA! No seriously, I think and i think we can all agree on this, that our appearance would have changed"

Oh really ? Tell me a little bit more...
 - "Well it just becomes tedious and repetitive, i mean we don’t dress like this normally and to be quite honest I don’t think any body else does" - (Jack)"Unless their hipster faggots that want the up most attention"

I take it you’ve got alot of hate for 'hipsters' than Jack ?
- "What and you don’t ? It was alright like last year, but now everywhere you look there a hipster and their trying to soak up as much attention as possible !"

What are each of yours pet hates ?
 - (Jack) "A Hipster."
 - (Joel) "Well i really hate when people leave the little plastic film thing on the milk bottle, it really gets to me."
 - (Maxwell)"Jack when he rants about Hipsters, that pisses me off"

Whats the longest relationship you've each had ?
 - "That’s gay as fuck ! Next question."

Its the readers asking that, not me ! What do you guys do in your spare time ?
 - (Jack)"I like to beat up hipsters every time i see one."
 - (Maxwell)"I really like going up to Pacha and Ministry just to get stuck into some house music of a night, lots of people don’t know that about me"
 - (Joel)"Chilling. Its the best thing man, a bit gay I know but honestly i love chilling"

Do you guys intend to stay together for a long time ?
 - (Maxwell) "What kind of question is that ? Its like asking Jack if he’s actually gay or just a Hipster in denial ! Haha"

Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr ?
 - (Maxwell & Joel)"Straight up Facebook"
 - (Jack)"Do i need to say it, really?"

Dubstep or Drum & Bass ?
 - "Their both shit, next question"

Favourite Film ?
- (Joel)"Fight Club !"
- (Maxwell)"Pulp Fiction"
- (Jack)"Train Spotting, Have you got any better questions, these ardent so good"

Erm, lets have a look...
If you could co-­lab with another band, who would it be and why ?
 - (Joel)"Joy Division definitely but if the Beatles were still going then them undoubtedly" 

 - (Maxwell)"Yeah i would have to agree on that one, i mean they are just awesome ! They have made countless numbers of hits and have influenced a ton of artists, but its a personal opinion really."

Sounds as if your really into the Beatles Maxwell ?
 - (Maxwell)"Of course, i was brought up listening to them and have just listend to them ever since, there just too good to give up, its a part of me you know"

Sounds as if your really into the Beatles Maxwell ?
 - (Maxwell)"Of course, i was brought up listening to them and have just listened to them ever since, there just too good to give up, its a part of me you know"

What are each of your favorite bands at the moment ?
 - (Joel)"Foals are really rocking it right now, they played at reading earlier in the year and absolutely smashed it, now their just doing more low key gigs around the capital like KOKO in Camden and Dublin Castle, definitely a band to keep a look out for"
 - (Maxwell)"Kings of Leon's new album has got me, their too effin' good !
 - (Jack)"Well I’ve got my cards on the Arctic Monkeys, not everyone’s into their latest album but Im still backing them and Im loving Alex Turners Rockabilly look."

Wow, you've all got different answers.
- (Maxwell)"Well yeah ? Otherwise our band won’t be wont be what we are today. We've all got out different tastes along with our styles, that's how bands tend to do well i reckon"
You lads, played a gig at KOKO, tell something about that...
- "It was mental ! The crowd in Camden really know how to smash it, i mean we even sent a couple of stage dives didn’t we Joel, it was a proud moment for us i think haha !"

What is your latest album ?
- (Joel)"Fire in the Light. We struggled to get the end name, like really struggled, it was harder than choosing our first single"

Talking of your first single, what was the name of it ? And how well did it do ?
- "Well our very first single was, 'Don’t be Fooled', to be honest i really enjoyed recording that, it was the first time in a proper studio instead of Jacks Dads garage”

Monday, 30 January 2012

Double page spread Photo

Below is the photo that im am most definitly going to use on my double page spread, although i shot it landscape, im going to try and work around that issue.

 After looking into other photos im going to use for my double page spread, i came across a simple idea to create a more vintage look and feel about the two pages.
Polaroid instant camera's print onto film that come straight out of the camera, the film looks like this.

 Cropping some of the photos that im going to use and put them onto some polaroid prints like the one above will give a slightly more vintage look to the picture that already looks far vintage.

Here is a quick mock up i did in photoshop, adding a flim grain filter to the photo as well.
I made this picture to solely get an idea of what it would look like, not to necessarily put it on my double page spread.

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Double page spread research

Here are two images of double page spreads from 'Q' magazine, the first thing that stands out in both of these double page spreads is the larger letter, this letter is related to the artists name as its the first letter, the colour and font of the letter also fits in with the house style of the magazine. Another thing that stands out majorly on both double pages is that the picture of the artists takes up a whole side of the double page, this could be a potential idea that i could take onboard in my double page spread.
Other noticeable things on both pages are that they have used 3 columns, this is typical for double page spreads. The Best things about both of these double pages is the simplicity factor, in my personal opinion it makes the page look more attractive and more desirable to read apart from the heavy text.
At the bottom of the page, there is a small 'Q' with the page number next to it, the page numbers are shown in 3 digits, e.g. page 1 would be 001 and page 68 would be 068.

Here are two double page spreads from NME magazine, as you can see NME choose a similar layout to Q as they have put an image across a whole page but have also put it over the other page aswell, this brings a great advantage as it will draw the reader into the article, its also lessens the bulk of text written on the double page. NME have also used similar fonts as the rest of the magazine making sure that they keep a goos consistent house style, also another noticeable feature on both double page spreads is that they have quotes from the article in a larger bulky font so that it instantly stands out to the reader making them want to read on.
NME also has page numbers at the bottom of the page allong with the date of the issue, the numbers on NME are simple one digit numbers with the date shown next to it in italics.

Stages of creating my Contents page

The first thing I did when creating my contents page was to separate the page into 3 sections, I did the by going to; View – show – grid, this brings up a grid on the page allowing you to draw lines with equal spacing on the page.

 From there I drew two lines down the page equidistant apart.
I then added the first photo to my contents page og two of my models, a quick crop and then i dragged it onto my contents page. I simply then added a black boarder to the edge of the contents page.
I then added the first text on the page using the text box tool, from there i added the majority of the text on the contents page, as i had the column line set in place it was quite simple to add the text to the page.

I then added another photo to the contents page, this was a photo form the front cover to relate to the cover lines on the front cover for that article, i just made a copy of the image on the front cover than dragged it onto my contents page. I then added a small OTR logo in the bottom left corner of the page to make sure that that the reader is going to know that this contents is from OTR magazine.
I then started adding the main articles down the left hand side of the page along with the images relating to them as it seemed most appropriate.

I decided on adding a poster to advertise the 'subscription' to the magazine

Friday, 27 January 2012

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Contents page research

NME contents pages are very classic and suit the style of a news paper eg. daily mail, guradian ect.
This is becuase of the fonts used, the title looks like that of the daily mail's or the guardian's, then the page is split up into three collumns, the middle collumn being ruffly twice the size of the outer two, this brings a great advantage as the main article in the magazine can be placed there to show its importance, this also means that smaller lower key article index's can be placed on the page. It seams that NME use the same template every week of their magazine, as you can see in these two photos, the template is the same on both, the way that the page numbers have been set out is also very helpful, the page numbers are over the pictures that they corespond to, this means that the reader can quite easily source the article that they want to read. The background colour of the contents page is white, which makes it simple and easy to put text over it using contrasting colours, a simple black text is needed without any drop shadows or blending effects, this also backs up the house style from the front covers to the contents pages.

Q contents page is completely different to that of NME although it is in three columns like that of NME's there are only to images shown on Q's contents, which make it slightly boring, this is largely becuase Q is monthly music magazine so they need to be able to fit alot of text on there whereas NME is a weekly magazine so there isnt half as much text that needs to be on there. The titles are shown either on contrasting background, either red or black to highlight the whit text that has been placed on it. The text on the contents page of Q is shown in black, as of which is NME's this makes it simple and easy to read for the reader, the page numbers are shown in red with the special numbers shown in gold.

Monday, 23 January 2012

Stages of creating my front page

Here are the stages i went through to produce my front page, i show the different toolsis used and how i used them. 

Im currently producing a video that shows the progession of how i created it.

Here are the two photos that I combined to get the final front cover photo; the original on the left and the head from the person in white on the right as because in the left photo he isn’t looking directly into the camera.
I used basic tools like the lasso tool and then the cut tool to get his head onto my desired image, I then used the rubber and the clone stamp tools to make it fit in.
Here is the final image after some light editing was done and then a crop using the crop tool here.

This is the first text layer I added to my front cover.
Using the text tool in the toolbar, I drew a box and inserted my title of my magazine, then after choosing my desired front which was downloaded form DaFont.com®

I then found that I wanted to put one of my models heads that was behind my title text, infront of it. I did this by doing a quick lasso around his head and then making it a new layer, I then put that layer in front of the text layer.

I then used the text tool again to create the caption for the cover photo.

in this stage I created a virtual sticker, I did this by using the eclipse tool to create a circle and then filling it in red with the paint bucket tool, I then used the same eclipse tool to create a white circle to make it look like its peeling back.

I then added the ‘FREE POSTER TEXT’ to the sticker and re-sized and rotated it to fit.

I used the text again tool to create the ‘100+ gigs inside’, I also used blending options on this text layer. To use blending options you right click on the layer which you want and then go to blending options.

This is the window that pops up when you select blending options, I selected a drop shadown and an inner glow so that the text stands out from the background image.

The next stage in my development was adding some text at the top of the cover, I went for a simple design to have to lines of text, the top line in red stating a title and then underneath a line in white giving a little more information.

Then I created another cover story to match the previous, this was the same type and style so it matched the text next to it, I then added a patician using the line tool.
I chose the patician to be yellow as it fits in with the colours ive used already, to use the line tool I just simply clicked and dragged to create a line.

I then added a barcode, this is rather simple, I generated my own barcode on the internet and the brought it into photoshop, then simply used this tool  to crop it then used the move/crop tool to drag it onto my front cover.

I then added some text at the bottom using the text tool, this time I made it slightly larger and gave it an appropriate colour for the front cover

This text was then accompanied by this photo that I took and ‘rasterized’ to make it look like a festival or a nightclub. I positioned it using the move tool then rotated it.

The next addition is the ‘plus’ (+) shape, again I used the line tool to just draw a simple cross and then coloured it yellow, to fit in with the other line I made.

I then added a new text box using the text tool to put some text just below the ‘plus’, I then added a drop shadow to it as the text is white.

Finally I added the date next to the title of the magazine by using the text tool again and then just rotating it around. I used a handwriting font just to add a little bit of professionalism.