Sunday, 11 December 2011

Further Photo research

After the unsucess of my previous photos, i have decided to think out of the box slightly, using more models in the photos to create a band also finding new locations such as tunnel with graffiti or a disused warehouse ect. giving a feel about the photo that will relate to the title of the magazine.
Whilst doing some research into clothing of the models, i looked at various vintage photos on google images and came across a few that i liked
This photo looks the part because of the set that they are on; the old paintings on the walls along with the deer heads hung also on the walls. What the subjects are wearing just tops the photo off completely.
This photo is very simple with next to no effects used and artificial lighting is not present, but yet the outcome of the photo is quite effective becuase simply of what he is wearing.
This photo looks as if its been taken on a rooftop, with the sunset in the background. There all wearing relatively the same clothes showing there style of music possibly. The photo was taken using a wide angle lens making things around the edges look slightly elongated.

I also came across a photo that had a realistic photo frame put around it, so i thought of putting a frame around my finalised photo in photoshop, some issues could arise though e.g; the frame could look tacky and out of place, i could lose a large amount of actual photo space on the cover, i could lose some the photo to try and put the photo on the cover ect. if not for the front cover i could use the idea in either my contents or my double page spread.

Another vague idea i have had, because of watching a film is to use smoke in one of the photos for example;

A scene screen shotted from the film Fight Club
A picture that was featured in an old hip hop magazine  of the artist Method Man
Here the Photographer is using a low f-stop to blur the background.

I think that using smoke would add a tense feel to the photo and make it look more vintage along with clothes being worn by my models.

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