Sunday, 4 March 2012

Evaluation Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

This type of person comes under the very typical Indie genre of today, Indie followers aspire to be marginally different form the next Indie follower, wearing cardigans, suspenders, Harington style jacket and stripy chequred shirts from the second hand charity shops and maybe even urban outfitters if there lucky, Indie's will also typically go to places such as brick lane to shop in rough trade or to just spend some time. They choose to listen to music that isn't quite mainstream and well known but they also like to listen to bands like Joy Division and The Beatles although the list of bands they like is ever changing. TV on the Radio, The Vivian Girls, Vampire Weekend, Spank Rock and Shit Disco are some of the sounds they like, as is hip French label Ed Banger Records, the home of Justice.  Indie followers won't choose to watch television they would choose radio as there evening chill.
Traditionally, an Indie will always be carrying apouch of rolling tobacco and some Rizla.

A very well informative website is to help back up my description of the Indie scene.

Indie's would buy my magazine as it relates to them as a person, from the contents to the clothes and the language to the appearance, it will interest them undoubtedly. The style of clothing i have chosen for my modles to wear and the hairstyles they each have make them look as if they are infact Indie followers, i chose specific bands that Indie scensters are interested in to help with drawing them in.

All the models that i used in the magazine have been given and indie style with different hairstyles, suit trousers and plain t-shirts, the location i chose to shoot the photos was also a crucial descision to help portray the indie genre. I then chose a variety of indie bands to put on the front cover and on the contents page to catch the eyes of the genre im aiming for.

Voki Narrator Evaluation Question 5 by domlake

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