Thursday, 29 March 2012

Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

The Audience that i particularly wanted to attract was the indie scene, this genre of music is very popular at the moment and it seemed most beneficial if that genre was the genre of my magazine.

In the Radio 1 chart currently, at number 3 is the song Somebody That I Used to Know by Gotye, this song comes under the indie genre and it shows that indie music is quite popular not just for the indie scenester but for everyone that likes music in general. The song is typically instrumental with a guitar and some other simple instruments being played, in the video we see a man who could be of the indie genre judging by his hairstyle.
This information shows that the genre i chose for my magazine is a popular one and that people that like the music and follow the genre will be interested in buying the magazine.

When looking at NME magazine and relating it back to my music magazine, there is a clear link between the two, 
colour co-ordination is the same using a simple set of 3 colours on the front cover, the layout is also similar in the way the title and text is laid out on the page.
Although the clothing cannot be seen in this example of NME magazine, the style and genre is the same, i tried to match the fashion to that of the indie genre.

NME is the most similar magazine to my own as it is dedicated to the indie genre, The easiest way to target your audience and to find a unique selling point when working with the indie genre is the clothing that particular magazines use, as indie's dress very 'uniquely' their very identifiable to the everyone, this means that it going to be easy to catch they eye of the desired target audience, i chose simple clothing in my magazine photos but clothing that represents indie's, the hairstyle is also key to the audience, I chose hairstyles that would easily portray the indie genre and help identify the unique selling point of the magazine.

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